Maserati Quattraporte

  • Kód produktu: PRD19734
  • Všetky Odmeny od: Maserati

34,414,000 body

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Maserati Quattraporte

Travelling and driving pleasure: the Quattroporte is a source of enjoyment for both passengers and driver thanks to its mechanical engineering. Together with the engine, the chassis, transmission and suspensions are the main factors in the combination of comfort and uncompromising performance for which the Maserati flagship has become famous.

Maserati Quattraporte

Travelling and driving pleasure: the Quattroporte is a source of enjoyment for both passengers and driver thanks to its mechanical engineering. Together with the engine, the chassis, transmission and suspensions are the main factors in the combination of comfort and uncompromising performance for which the Maserati flagship has become famous.