Odmena úspešne pridané do moje katalóg odmien PREMIO.Tento produkt: ||odmenaMalá|| už máte vo vašom katalóg odmien PREMIO zozname.Obchodník bol úspešne pridaný k vašim obľúbeným!PRIDANÉ MEDZI VAŠE OBĽÚBENÉMerchant is already added to your favorites!Apologies, this merchant is not available for the selected country!You have reached the maximum number of rewards in your dream basket. If you would like to add this reward, please exchange it with a reward in your current dream basket selection.You have exceeded the maximum points value of your dream basket. Please modify your current dream basket reward selection to stay within the required maximum points price range.
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TACK TACK by KAKKOii is designed to keep you active. Not only has it got a built-in step count but it will also record calories burned each day and measure distance travelled, alerting you once you have reached your daily goal. TACK TACK can even monitor your sleep cycle, analyse the quality of your sleep and it has an alarm and an incoming call notification feature.
TACK TACK by KAKKOii is designed to keep you active. Not only has it got a built-in step count but it will also record calories burned each day and measure distance travelled, alerting you once you have reached your daily goal. TACK TACK can even monitor your sleep cycle, analyse the quality of your sleep and it has an alarm and an incoming call notification feature.
This can take up to 30 seconds, depending on your internet connection.
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Vezmite prosím na vedomie
Prekročili ste maximálny počet odmeny vo vašich katalóg odmien PREMIO. Ak chcete pridať ďalšiu odmena do katalóg odmien PREMIO, odstráňte existujúce z vášho katalóg odmien PREMIO zoznamu.
Vezmite prosím na vedomie
You have exceeded the maximum number of Merchants in your Favorites. To add another merchants to your Favorites, please delete an existing one from your Favorites list.
Vezmite prosím na vedomie
Vezmite prosím na vedomie
odmena bol úspešne pridaný Moje katalóg odmien PREMIO.
Ospravedlňujeme sa, doručenie do Spojených štátov amerických momentálne nie je k dispozícii. Ospravedlňujeme sa za nepríjemnosti a ďakujeme za trpezlivosť.
Vašu akciu nie je možné dokončiť. Budete odhlásení.
Aby sme vaše bodov a osobné údaje udržali v bezpečí, odhlásime vás z tejto relácie. Ak chcete pokračovať, znova sa prihláste.
The PREMIO rewards catalogue account you'd connected with Reward shop is currently under verification. We will notify you once your account has been verified. Learn more.